World Cup Jerseys 2022 (Complete)

Smols of the World! We're all about inclusivity, creative expression and fun, so what better way to celebrate that than the launch of Smol World Cup jerseys!

We've launched an exclusive collection of tokenbound Smol Brains 2022 World Cup jerseys representing the competing teams for eligible holders to claim.

This is the perfect opportunity to support your favourite team across your social media and Discord while spreading the Smol spirit and vibes!

Purchasing Instructions

For a limited time, you can now purchase World Cup jerseys for your Smols for 10 MAGIC per jersey until the end of the World Cup (December 18, 2022)!

Expand your World Cup jersey collection and support all the teams you love while owning additional pieces of Smol World Cup history!

Step 1: Unstake your Smol from racing & head to

After un-staking your Smol Brain from racing, head to

Step 2: Select a Smol

Select the Smol that you want to purchase the jersey for.

Step 3: Select the jersey

Select the jersey you'll purchase.

Step 4: Click preview

Click the preview button and see what your Smol looks like with the jersey on

Step 5: Click purchase

Click the purchase button and complete your wallet transaction to successfully tokenbind the jersey to your selected Smol.

Claim Instructions (Update: Free claims have ended)

Claim Criteria:

  1. Eligibility: Smol Brains holder wallets included in our snapshot

  2. Limits: 1 claim per wallet and per smol

  3. Reminder: Unstake your Smol from racing prior to claiming

Step 1: Unstake your Smol from racing & head to

After unstaking your Smol Brain, click into and you'll be presented with the tokenbound skin prizes claim page!

Step 2: Select your Smol

Select the Smol that you've chosen to tokenbound the world cup jersey to!

Step 3: Select the "World Cup" option

Click the dropdown option and select the "World Cup" event

Step 4: Select a jersey and click "Preview"

Select the World Cup jersey you'd like to tokenbind to your selected Smol and click "Preview". Note: Once the skin is tokenbound to your Smol, it can't be decoupled.

Step 5: Preview & claim your jersey

Click on "Preview" and then "Claim" to complete the tokenbinding transaction! After tokenbinding the selected jersey to your Smol, you'll be able to view it on your Smol's Trove listing under "Skins" & "Traits"!

Last updated